Google Glass and Other Wearables

30 03 2014

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There is much excitement about wearable devices like Google Glass and fitness bands these days, but how do we make sense of whether this is a fad or the “next big thing” in technology? Are these devices we strap to our bodies really changing our behaviors or are they complicating social etiquettes? Join us as Jason LaFollette and Ben McGinnis of Citrrus tell us what we need to know about the current—and future—state of wearable tech.

Jason LaFollette is the Founder & CEO of Citrrus—a mobile consulting agency just outside of Washington DC. Under his leadership, the Citrrus team is well on their way to mastering mobile-connected devices in 2014 and are already seeing early wins with new wearable startup clients.

Ben McGinnis is the Chief Operating Officer at Citrrus. Born 3 months after the first Macintosh computer came out, he has made Apple Computers and new tech the backbone of his life’s work. At Citrrus, Ben is responsible for successful communication across the team and keeps our clients happy. He has been involved in nearly every app Citrrus has deployed and has firsthand experience wearing Google Glass..

Week In Review

  1. New York Public Library partners with Zola to offer algorithmic book recommendations
  2. Cookapp, a new website, turns NY apartments into restaurants for a night
  3. Facebook shares take a hit following Oculus purchase
  4. Samsung LED Smart Bulb Uses Bluetooth to Control Brightness
  5. Calyx Reaches New Heights With Carinata-based Biojet Fuel

Bitcoin’s Growing Pains

23 03 2014

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There is a lot going on in the world of Bitcoin right now. Questions about the major exchange’s solvency, looming regulations, and the curious case of Satoshi Nakamoto. Luckily we’ve brought in an expert, Carter Dougherty, to set things straight for us.

Carter Dougherty is a consumer finance and digital currency reporter for Bloomberg News in Washington, specializing in Bitcoin and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Carter joined Bloomberg in 2010 following five years as a european economic correspondent for the International Herald Tribune and the New York Times in Franfurt, Germany. While there, he was a member of the team that produced the series “The Reckoning” on the origins and effects of the current economic crisis.

Carter attended Kalamazoo College and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Week In Review

  1. New York’s Schneiderman seeks curbs on high-frequency traders
  2. Drone captures scene at East Harlem explosion that flattened two buildings
  3. IBM Launches New Software and Consulting Services to Help Organizations Tackle $3.5 Trillion Lost Annually to Fraud and Financial Crime
  4. Robot writes LA Times earthquake breaking news article

Preventing Cybercrime

16 03 2014

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The more sophisticated cyber attacks get, the more our tools do to protect us against them. But as always the Human is the weakest link. So join us this week as Rick Sutton teaches us on how to Prevent Cybercrime.

Rick Sutton manages the Weidenhammer Consulting Group, the business consulting division of Weidenhammer Systems Corporation. He has 30 years of leadership experience in business management, including 20 years in strategic planning, information technology, operational improvement, project management, and risk management.

Rick regularly performs technology assessments, developing strategic road maps for companies to improve their IT operations and increase their reliability. Most recently he helped develop the business continuity plan for a regional bank in New Jersey and he developed the IT strategic plan for a distribution consulting firm in Pennsylvania.

Week In Review

  1. Google may launch its first U.S. retail store in New York — right next to the Apple Store
  2. New York to Accept Bitcoin-Exchange Proposals to Speed New Rules
  3. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg phones Obama about NSA
  4. Target Missed Signs of a Data Breach

Updating Communications Law: Why and How Soon?

9 03 2014

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With changes to the Net Neutrality rules, what other kinds of changes can we expect? What business deals can we expect now that these rules have been changed? What laws will we see our government try to make in reaction to this ever changing field?

Gary Arlen is President of Arlen Communications, a research and analysis firm specializing in converging media, telecommunications and information services. He has a keen eye for the implications of public policy on such vital services as mobile and wireless technology, new ventures such as the Internet of Things as well as the deployment of electronics devices – all of which will be affected by the upcoming battle to reform the Telecommunications Act that Congress adopted in 1996, at the dawn of the Web era and just before the explosion of smartphone mobile services.

Week In Review

  1. Black-car app service launches unlimited rides
  2. NYPD Pilot Program to Use Tablets to Test Crime Data App
  3. Placemeter wants to know how crowded a place is before you go
  4. For the first time, Getty Images launches tool to allow free embeds of stock photos
  5. Facebook Cracking Down on Illegal Gun Sales Planned on Site

What is ‘Startup Culture’?

2 03 2014

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Fred Dawkins is a serial entrepreneur with over 40 years experience and achievements in manufacturing, retail, land development, consulting and import/export. He holds a B Com in commerce and finance and a M.A. in economics from the University of Toronto. Everyday Entrepreneur is the first book in Dawkins’ Entrepreneurial Edge series, and is currently available at all booksellers, including,, Barnes & Noble and Chapters Indigo. His novel, 2020 Hindsight, explores major contradictory trends in society in a compelling contemporary fiction narrative, and is forthcoming as an e-book on

Week In Review

  1. Mobile parking apps find a spot in NYC
  2. NYPD Taps Jessica Tisch as Tech Liaison
  3. New App Aims to Make Laundry Hassle Free on Upper East Side
  4. UK spies captured millions of Yahoo users’ webcam images
  5. Google glass suffers another blow as woman is assaulted for wearing one